Thursday, September 4, 2008

43-days #4 "Childhood" 9/4/08

Prosperous and smooth
It is not I who seek the ignorant,
The ignorant seeks me.
On the first divination, I give light.
Repeating again is contemptuous.
Being contemptuous, I give no more instruction.
Favorable to be steadfast and upright.

A spring flows out of a mountain.
the symbol of an unenlightened ignorant.
the superior person makes every effort to cultivate virtue with resolute deeds.

the stream grows into a great river, nurturing myriad beings. however, as the river flows over the ground it becomes dirty. This gua takes this image to expound upon the importance of enlightening and educating the ignorant while in the infant stage.

Element: Earth
Mutual Gua; Tuning back #24

You need 1. true understanding, 2. a sincere desire to learn, 3. to practice humility.

Position and Instruction
1. dark energy - pay attention at the beginning, get a stern teacher, get training, stay in a state of preparation.
2. light energy - have an open mind, encourage people to come to you, take responsibility, have a good marriage
3. dark energy - do not lose your character when united, beware of unprincipled people
4. dark energy - pay attention to the environment, learn from difficulty
5. dark energy - keep to humility, treat yourself as ignorant
6. light energy - act with power, defend yourself from deviant thought

Dealing with the ignorant, one needs to know the ignorance of oneself. Knowledge, wisdom, and virtue are the medicines for ignorance. Being humble to learn is the key.


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