Sunday, August 31, 2008

48-days #29 "Darkness" 8/30/08

Doubled darkness.
Be sincere and truthful.
Rely on heart and mind.
Prosperous and smooth;
deeds will be honored.

Water flows on twice over,
darkness is doubled
superior person cultivates and practices virtue constantly and responds through teaching.

The main theme is how to deal with difficult situations or danger.

Element: Water
Mutual: Nourishing #27

굳은 믿음으로 오직 마음을 형통하게 해야한다. 아무리 험하더라도 이러한 마음으로 가면 험함을 헤쳐 나갈수있고, 더 나아가서는 남을 구제해 줄 수도 있으니, 숭상함이 있다.
군자는 험한 가운데에서도 덕행을 떳떳하게 하게하며 어려운 때일수록 자연과 세상의 원리를 가르치는 일을 익힌다.
군자는 세상을 위한 공부에 힘써 백성을 가르치는 일에 힘쓴다.

You need 1. to have sincerity, 2. a true mind, 3. true understanding, 4. to keep to principle in action.

In dealing with danger, you need to return to yourself first. following principle and keeping to sincerity are keys with which to solve outside problems.

In Ashram

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