Saturday, August 16, 2008

62-days #64 "Not yet fulfilled" 8/16/08

Not yet fulfilled.
There is prosperity and smoothness,
For the yielding attains the central place.

Little fox, almost across the river.
It is not yet past the central line.

Wets its tail. Nothing is favorable.
There is no continuation at the end.

Although all lines are not in their proper place,
Yet the strong and the weak still respond to each other.

Fire over water.
an image of not yet fulfilled.
the superior person discriminates carefully the nature of things and keeps each of them in its proper position.

Element: Fire
Mutual gua: Already fulfilled #63

모든것이 제자리를 잃어 정돈되지 않은 상황에서는 냉정하게 상황을 잘 판단하여 올바른 처신을 하도록 하라.
기제와 미제는 64괘에 있어 반복 순환의 법도를 표현한 특별한 괘이다.
다시 부조화에서 조화를 찾아가고, 어지러움에서 안정된 상태로 가는 미제의 상테가 되는 것이니, 주역 64괘가 이 미제괘로써 마치는 것이다. 즉 다시 중천건, 중지곤으로 비롯되어 반복 순환하는 천도와 인류역사의 파노라마가 시작되는 것이다.

You need 1. true understanding, 2. to be cautious at the end, 3. to keep to humility

Position and instruction
1. dark energy - have good goals, keep going
2. light energy - have a little restriction, keep to sincerity
3. dark energy - do not go in for fighting, use humility to deal with danger
4. light energy - keep to sincerity, heed warnings, take a long time, act for your country or for other people
5. dark energy - keep to humility, enlighten everybody, have sincerity
6. light energy - have sincerity in your success, be cautious in proceeding

Everything in the universe is incomplete. you need to proceed with sincerity and humility.

1 comment:

Arts Dohee Lee said...

I was cutting the paper.... Yes.. for the FLUX....
I had rehearsal with Sherwood in the morning.. we work on the echo movements.. 8 trigram movements.. it was great to work.